August 2023: A Month in My Old Hometown, Berlin


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A Month in My Old Hometown, Berlin

August 2023 was an exciting and emotional month for me. After seven years abroad, I returned to Berlin, the city I once called home. This visit was marked by family reunions, doctor appointments, and the feeling that Berlin was no longer the city I once knew. However, there were also positive experiences, like visiting the new Pergamon Museum and exploring the new subway stations.

Returning Home and Reuniting with Family πŸ‘¨‍πŸ‘©‍πŸ‘§‍πŸ‘¦β€οΈ

The return to Berlin began with a heartfelt reunion with my family. After so many years, it was wonderful to see familiar faces and spend time with my loved ones. We reminisced about old memories, browsed through photo albums, and shared lots of laughter and tears.

A special highlight was celebrating my 59th birthday with my family. It was an emotional day when I reconnected with old friends, and we reminisced together. Yet, despite the joy of reunion, I noticed how much everything had changed. The once-familiar surroundings suddenly seemed strange and new.

The Daily Struggle with Doctor Appointments πŸ₯😷

A significant part of my stay was spent attending doctor appointments. After seven years abroad, some health checks were necessary. While the German healthcare system is excellent, the bureaucracy and long waiting times reminded me why I left Germany in the first place.

From registration to treatment, everything seemed to take an eternity. The waiting rooms were crowded, and the conversations with doctors often felt rushed and impersonal. These experiences reinforced my feeling that Germany was no longer the place I wanted to return to.

Feeling Like a Stranger in My Old Hometown πŸ πŸ˜”

A walk through my old neighborhood made me realize how much Berlin had changed. Many of the small shops I once knew were gone, replaced by modern cafés and boutiques. The streets were full of new faces and languages I didn't understand.

The behavior of people also seemed to have changed. The once open and friendly atmosphere had given way to a hectic and often unfriendly tone. These changes amplified my sense of alienation and made me realize that Berlin was no longer the home I once knew.

Visiting the New Pergamon Museum πŸ›οΈβœ¨

A highlight of my visit was the trip to the new Pergamon Museum. The museum had changed significantly and impressed me with its modern architecture and new exhibits. The multimedia installations and interactive exhibits were particularly fascinating, making the visit an unforgettable experience.

The museum provided a welcome break from the otherwise negative impressions of my stay and showed me that Berlin still had many positive aspects.

Discovering the New Subway Stations πŸš‡πŸ”

Another adventure was exploring the new subway stations. Berlin has invested heavily in expanding public transportation in recent years, and the new stations are an impressive result of these efforts.

The modern designs and improved connections made traveling through the city much more pleasant. It was interesting to see how the infrastructure had developed and how much emphasis was placed on accessibility and sustainability.

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Four Weeks Without My Penky 😿

One of the most difficult aspects of the trip was being separated from my fiancée, Penky. Four weeks without her company felt incredibly long. Penky was a constant source of comfort and joy in my life, and her absence was very noticeable during my stay in Berlin. Video calls don't help.

Conclusion: Germany is No Longer My Home πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ🚫

After a month in Berlin, it became clear to me that Germany is no longer the place I want to return to. The changes in the city, the bureaucracy, and the feeling of alienation confirmed my decision.

Although there were many beautiful moments, and I cherished the time with my family, I feel more comfortable and better settled in my new home abroad.

My visit to Berlin showed me how much I have changed and how different my life is now. It was a valuable experience that helped me redefine my priorities and my sense of home.

Final Thoughts

August 2023 was a month full of emotional highs and lows. Visiting my old hometown Berlin showed me how much the city and I have changed. Despite the beautiful moments and experiences, I realized that Germany is no longer the place I want to return to.

Instead, I look forward to my life abroad and the many new adventures that lie ahead. Berlin will always hold a special place in my heart, but my home is now elsewhere. 🌍❀️ #Berlin #Home #NewBeginnings

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