How I Lost 20 kg with Intermittent Fasting and a Ketogenic Diet


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How I Lost 20 kg with Intermittent Fasting and a Ketogenic Diet: My Journey After Shoulder Surgery

An Unexpected Turning Point: The Shoulder Surgery in 2019

2019 was a year that changed my life forever. Until then, I worked as a construction site manager in event construction—a job that required physical fitness and resilience. But everything changed when I had to undergo surgery on my right shoulder due to a severe injury. The damage was so extensive that a shoulder prosthesis had to be implanted.

This surgery marked the end of my career. The realization hit me hard. A job that had shaped me for years, providing not only a stable livelihood but also a sense of fulfillment, was suddenly no longer possible. Life as I knew it changed overnight. I had to come to terms with a new reality where physical activities that were once routine were now out of reach.

The Consequences of Inactivity: Weight Gain and Health Challenges

With the surgery came the inevitable recovery phase, during which physical activity was reduced to a minimum. Weeks and months passed with little to no movement. The lack of exercise, coupled with unhealthy eating driven by frustration and boredom, led to rapid weight gain. Before I knew it, I had reached 125 kg—a number I had never seen on the scale before.

This excess weight not only burdened my body but also weighed heavily on my mind. Every glance in the mirror reminded me of what I had lost—my career and my physical fitness. The weight gain also led to additional health problems: back pain, shortness of breath, and a general feeling of discomfort became my constant companions.

Searching for a Way Out: Discovering Intermittent Fasting

Faced with these developments, I knew I had to make a change. The question was how. I had tried diets in the past, but they always ended the same way: a brief period of weight loss followed by the inevitable rebound. I needed something that would work in the long run.

In my search, I came across the concept of intermittent fasting. At first, it seemed simple: you don’t eat for certain hours of the day and eat all your meals within a defined window. It sounded doable, so I decided to give it a try.

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is a way of eating where you restrict your meals to specific time windows. There are various methods, but the most popular is the 16/8 method: fast for 16 hours and eat during an 8-hour window. Other variations include the 5:2 method, where you eat normally for five days and drastically reduce calories for two days.

For me, the 16/8 method was the perfect start. I began by skipping breakfast and eating my first meal at lunchtime, with all my meals fitting into an eight-hour window. The first few days were tough—my body was used to eating first thing in the morning. But after a week, I got used to it, and my hunger pangs decreased significantly.

The Early Successes of Intermittent Fasting and the Shift to 20/4

After just a few weeks, I started noticing positive changes. My weight began to drop slowly, and I felt more awake and energized overall. The best part was that I didn’t have to drastically change my diet or give up certain foods. Just by timing my meals, I was already seeing results.

Encouraged by my progress with the 16/8 method, I decided to take it a step further. I shortened my eating window to four hours, transitioning to the 20/4 method. This meant fasting for 20 hours a day and eating within a four-hour window. While this was more challenging, it intensified the benefits of fasting. My hunger continued to decrease, and I felt lighter and more energetic.

To boost the effects of autophagy—the process of cellular cleansing and repair—I sometimes fasted through the weekends. These extended fasting periods not only helped with weight loss but also improved my overall well-being and mental clarity.

The Next Step: The Ketogenic Diet

Alongside intermittent fasting, I started exploring different diets and came across the ketogenic diet, which immediately fascinated me. This diet is based on very low carbohydrate intake and high fat consumption, which pushes the body into a state of ketosis. In ketosis, your body burns fat instead of carbohydrates as its primary energy source—a process known to be particularly effective for fat loss.

What is the Ketogenic Diet?

The ketogenic diet, often called "keto," is a way of eating where you drastically reduce your carbohydrate intake (usually under 50 grams per day) and replace it with fats. This forces the body to produce ketones from fat reserves, which then become the main energy source. The ketogenic diet is not only effective for weight loss but is also praised for its positive effects on blood sugar, mental clarity, and energy levels.

Transitioning to Keto

Switching to the ketogenic diet was a challenge. Suddenly, foods like bread, pasta, rice, and sugar were off my menu. Instead, I focused on foods like meat, fish, eggs, avocados, nuts, and green vegetables. The first few days were tough—I experienced the so-called "keto flu," a phase where the body adjusts to new energy sources. But after about a week, I felt better than ever. My hunger subsided, cravings disappeared, and I started to lose weight.

The combination of intermittent fasting and the ketogenic diet turned out to be a powerful duo. Within just a few months, I steadily lost weight without feeling like I was depriving myself. The kilos melted away, and my energy levels soared.

Sustainable Results: 20 kg in 24 Months

The changes in my life have been enormous. Within 24 months, I managed to lose 20 kg. My weight dropped from 125 kg to 105 kg—a reduction I hadn’t thought possible for a long time. But the most important thing was that I achieved this weight loss without the dreaded yo-yo effect. The combination of intermittent fasting, especially the 20/4 method, and the ketogenic diet proved to be sustainable and practical for me.

Why Did It Work for Me?

- Simple Implementation: Both methods—intermittent fasting and keto—are easy to integrate into daily life. There were no complicated rules or exotic foods that were hard to find.
- Long-Term Change: Instead of dieting for a few weeks or months, I changed my lifestyle. I realized that it’s not just about losing weight, but also about improving my health in the long run.
- No Cravings: With the ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting, I experienced less hunger and felt fuller and more satisfied.
- Continuous Motivation: Every kilo lost motivated me to keep going. The visible results were the best motivation not to give up.

What I Learned from My Experience

My weight loss journey wasn’t easy, but it was worth it. The shoulder surgery was a painful setback in my life, but it led me down a new path—a path to a healthier, happier version of myself. Here are some lessons I learned from this experience:

- Acceptance and Adaptation: Sometimes, life takes us on unexpected paths. Instead of resisting, it’s often better to accept the new reality and adapt. Only then can we make the best out of difficult situations.
- Self-Discipline Is Key: Changes are never easy, especially when it comes to your health. But with self-discipline and a willingness to try new things, anything is possible.
- Patience Pays Off: Weight loss and health improvements don’t happen overnight. It’s important to be patient and enjoy the process instead of focusing solely on the end goal.

Conclusion: A New Lifestyle for a New Life

Today, more than two years after my shoulder surgery, I feel better than ever. My weight has stabilized, and I’ve learned to take care of my body in a way that brings me long-term health and well-being. Intermittent fasting—especially the 20/4 method—and the ketogenic diet have not only helped me lose 20 kg but also improved my life in many ways.

The journey wasn’t easy, but it was worth it. Anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation—whether it’s after an injury, illness, or another challenge—should know that there’s always a way to get back on their feet. It may require changes and adjustments, but with the right mindset and methods, anything is possible.

I hope that my story inspires others to tackle their own challenges and find their way to a healthier, happier life. And remember, this is not health advice—just my personal experience.

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